As I roamed the aisles of Barnes & Noble I felt small and rather insignificant, engulfed in the stories told of the past and now the present. Book stores do this to me. Art museums as well. A multitude of people have spent hundreds of hours writing, thinking, and sharing the stories they find worth telling - what a marvelous thing!
Stories feel ingrained into our very nature and captivate us - the childhood fairy tale, the cheesy romantic comedy, the latest news report, the podcast you’re listen to on your drive - but what if the tables are turned? What if we were the storytellers? Woah, now this feels serious. Maybe you’re like me and would rather observe and delight in storytellers rather than be a storyteller yourself.
Suddenly, we find ourselves sifting through self-criticism and questioning if the stories on our hearts & in our minds are worth sharing.
The business idea that kept you from sleeping last night would never make it in the real world. You don’t think you really have anything to share about your life - it’s mundane with kiddos and chaos. The sketch in your notebook is just a hobby. Your season of life isn’t profound enough to encourage or help anyone. Your stories aren’t remarkable and would just get lost in the over-saturated sea of storytelling. Or would they?
The true worth of a story cannot be based solely on whether it is found remarkable or not. Maybe your book/art/business won’t be wildly famous or maybe you don’t receive the gold metal for “stay-at-home mom”, but what if your work as a storyteller inspires one person, adds transcendent beauty to one home, encourages one child to walk in love and faithfulness? Just as the rows of books at your local bookstore, not every story is a Pride and Prejudice or Lord of The Rings. And that’s okay! It takes courage & humility to see the value of your work even when there’s not an award or prestige attached to it.
Don’t simply absorb stories, join in.
So, what stories are you delighting in this week? This could be a book you’re currently reading, something your friend told you during a recent chat, a movie… And what stories are you sharing this week? This could be the mission/desires of your business (or hobby!), your childhood with your own children, a recent challenge you’ve walked through, the painting at your easel, and many more.
Let’s be encouragers as our stories intertwine and as we reflect our Creator! “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1:27)
Stay in touch,