Last spring I asked my sisters if there were any topics they’d like to see on the journal that would maybe get my brain churning while staying home with covid. One of them was curious how art and daily life joined together for me. Slightly clueless I responded…

In college I had to take a strengths test for a leadership class. Not to my surprise, two of my top strengths were harmony and consistency. What can I say, I like peace and a smooth path under my feet! But life isn’t always harmonious, one steady state of contentment & happiness, is it?

You can’t build 23 habits, workout 5 days a week, and suddenly read all the books on your shelf. So, in the spirit of easing into good habits & good books this year, here are a few books I read in 2023 and still think of months later.

May the practice of bouquet making cause you to love your dining table all the more, the people around it, and delight in the beauty of a simple daisy, sprig of mint, and stem of lamb’s ear… or a Trader Joe’s collection of blooms….

Elizabeth Gaskell has created a novel that continues to captivate even the modern ear, as she delves into what it means to be a woman that faces newness (love, maturation, loss, home…) with integrity and virtue.