Meet Kelsie
Dwelling in Charlotte NC, she loves a good exploration, as a native has a MN impression sure to make you chuckle, and appreciates the finer things in life… classic movies, good food, & quality time with others across a board game or around a campfire.
Kelsie and I first met in our early high school days, one blogger to another. What was at first a simple guest post for each other turned into a dear friendship! I hope you enjoy getting to know her as I have. Happy reading!
How did you choose to pursue photography as a career?
It started unexpectedly. In fact, I never really saw myself going into a career considered an "art career". Growing up my family had to make some difficult big moves out of state and away from the place I grew up. I decided to start a blog in my early teen years (yes, that has been permanently hidden from the internet) to keep connected with family and friends, and just to have a hobby. I ended up finding a lot of other photographers through blogging and was also inspired to create better images for my blog posts (because those outfit posts and that iced coffee recipe needed the best photos!). Through that, I started photographing more and eventually people started asking me! I was asked to photograph my first backyard wedding in 2014. Yes, I was hesitant (and my parents had to drive me - I didn't even have a car yet!) but it ended up being so fun and jump started my career!
As photography saturates media (iPhone or otherwise), in your opinion, what makes a good image?
This is a question that doesn't have a simple answer in my opinion. When working for a client (wedding, portraiture, etc.) a good image is one that makes your client feel something - reliving the moment or the day. From the technical and art aspect: a good image is one that fits your brand art direction, and technical aspects like correct exposure, focus, and colors you hope to achieve!
I've heard it quoted (The internet says by Chase Jarvis) that "the best camera is the one you have with you". I think that is so true - sometimes it's not so much the camera you have, but how you use it, lighting, and how you see what you're photographing before you photograph it. Sometimes it's paying attention before you even take the image that makes a good image.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone who may have an upcoming photography session in front of the camera?
This is an easy one for me to answer - relax and trust your photographer! New things feel intimidating before you try it. I have clients tell me often that they were so nervous, but at the end of the session they remark how fun it was!
How do you choose to rest?
Honestly, I am not great at rest but I am working on it. Rest to me looks like a whole day with nothing on the calendar, working on my flower garden (it's small, but in progress), and spending the evening with my husband (preferably with a movie or by our bonfire!). It also means being intentional. Putting phones away, saying no when needed, and spending time with the Lord.
What does home mean to you?
Home to me is where my family is, my predictable morning cup of coffee, easy access to my favorite daily skin care, flowers to water, and a place that I feel safe. Somehow I feel at peace. Home also means a pair of comfy sweatpants. Always.
What is something you're currently loving?
I mentioned skin care above, so I'd have to say High Beam from Skin Pharm. It makes your skin so glowy! The other thing I will say would be strawberries and cream. My husband has been making that for dessert a lot lately and it's the perfect spring sweet treat!
P.S. Here’s one of the lesser cringe-y friendship photos I dug up from the archives. Let’s bring back silly photos to our camera rolls! It’s far more entertaining - hah!